Senior Pictures | Parker, CO.

I believe that senior pictures should be about expression. An expression of oneself and what you have become up until your senior year. These moments that you will always treasure should represent who you are.

These senior pictures tell the story about a strong and confident girl and her horse. It’s a special relationship and a wonder to watch. Thank you guys so much and I hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as I did.

What to Wear: Fall Family Photo Session

Here are samples of pictures that my clients have worn in past fall photo sessions to look their best during this beautiful season!

What is typical…

Families usually wear earth toned colors; brown, burgundy, denim, tan, and burnt orange. Layers is also encouraged and flannel also looks nice.

What I like…

I like how blue looks in contrast to the the orange and yellow leaves!

The location…

This plays an important role as some photo shoots will not take place where we have the leaves in different colors. But it’s still important to keep colors in mind to give your picture the “fall look”.

Enjoy the pictures! See you this fall…